May 25th, 2020
Writing Trustworthy Web Scrapers Using Scrapy Contracts

Scrapy is one of the most accessible tools that you can use to scrape and also spider a website with effortless ease.

One of the significant issues with Web crawlers is the fact that they break so easily. Using a framework like Scrapy and using the Contracts module to check the return data is one of the best ways to write crawlers you can trust.

First, let's write a simple scraper and then see how we can use Contracts to see that nothing is broken because you changed your code.

Our Simple Scraper

Today lets see how we can scrape Amazon to get reviews for lets, to say the Apple Air pods.

Here is the URL we are going to scrape

Especially the review area.

First, we need to install scrapy if you haven't already.

pip install scrapy

Once installed, go ahead and create a project by invoking the startproject command.

scrapy startproject scrapingproject

This will output something like this.

New Scrapy project 'scrapingproject', using template directory '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project', created in:

You can start your first spider with:
    cd scrapingproject
    scrapy genspider example

And create a folder structure like this.

Now CD into the scrapingproject. You will need to do it twice like this.

cd scrapingproject
cd scrapingproject

Now we need a spider to crawl through the Amazon reviews page. So we use the genspider to tell scrapy to create one for us. We call the spider ourfirstbot and pass it to the URL of the Amazon page.

scrapy genspider ourfirstbot

This should return successfully like this.

Created spider 'ourfirstbot' using template 'basic' in module:

Great. Now open the file in the spider's folder. It should look like this.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy

class OurfirstbotSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'ourfirstbot'
    start_urls = ['']

    def parse(self, response):

Let's examine this code before we proceed.

The allowed_domains array restricts all further crawling to the domain paths specified here.

start_urls is the list of URLs to crawl. For us, in this example, we only need one URL.

The def parse(self, response): function is called by scrapy after every successful URL crawl. Here is where we can write our code to extract the data we want.

We now need to find the CSS selector of the elements we need to extract the data. Go to the URL

And right-click on the title of one of the reviews and click on inspect. This will open the Google Chrome Inspector like below.

You can see that the CSS class name of the title element is review-title, so we are going to ask scrapy to get us the contents of this class like this.

names = response.css('.review-title').extract()

Similarly, we try and find the class names of the review rating element (note that the class names might change by the time you run this code)

reviews = response.css('.review-rating').extract()

If you are unfamiliar with CSS selectors, you can refer to this page by Scrapy

We have to use the zip function now to map a similar index of multiple containers so that they can be used just using a single entity. So here is how it looks.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

class OurfirstbotSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'ourfirstbot'
    start_urls = [

    def parse(self, response):
        #yield response
        title = response.css('.review-title').extract()       
        reviews = response.css('.review-rating').extract()
        #Give the extracted content row wise
        for item in zip(title, reviews):
            #create a dictionary to store the scraped info
            all_items = {
                'title' : BeautifulSoup(item[0]).text,
                'reviews' : BeautifulSoup(item[1]).text,


            #yield or give the scraped info to scrapy
            yield all_items

We use BeautifulSoup to remove HTML tags and get pure text

and now lets run this with the command (Notice we are turning off obeying Robots.txt)

scrapy crawl ourfirstbot -s ROBOTSTXT_OBEY=False

And Bingo. you get the results as below.

Now, let's export the extracted data to a CSV file. All you have to do is to provide an export file like this.

scrapy crawl ourfirstbot -o data.csv

Or if you want the data in the JSON format.

scrapy crawl ourfirstbot -o data.json

Using Contracts to detect code breakages

As we know, the parse function needs to return the review title and review rating. Let's pretend this is super important and sacrosanct for our process. To make sure that in a lengthier implementation, the basics are not broken, we specify using the multi-line docstrings. The contract "syntax" is: @contract_name . You can create your own contracts, which is pretty neat.

    def parse(self, response):
        """This function gathers the author and the quote text.
        @scrapes title reviews
				@items 1 10

This tells the Contracts module to check if the URL is the right one and the fields that need to be there definitely and the number of items minimum one and maximum ten that the count should fall under.

Let's modify the code to add the support of the Contracts module.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib
from scrapy.contracts import ContractsManager
from scrapy.contracts.default import (

class blogCrawler(CrawlSpider):
    name = 'ourfirstbot'
    start_urls = [

    def parse(self, response):
        """This function gathers the author and the quote text.
        @scrapes title reviews
				@items 1 10
        title = response.css('.review-title').extract()       
        reviews = response.css('.review-rating').extract()
        #Give the extracted content row wise
        for item in zip(title, reviews):
            #create a dictionary to store the scraped info
            all_items = {
                'title' : BeautifulSoup(item[0]).text,
                'reviews' : BeautifulSoup(item[1]).text,


            #yield or give the scraped info to scrapy
            yield all_items

Now when you change some part of the code, you can check for the integrity of code by running.

scrapy check

Which should return the following if all went well.

Ran 3 contracts in 0.120s


If you really want to build trustworthy web crawlers, you can consider using a Rotating Proxy Service like Proxies API which prevents IP blocks or looks at a cloud-based web crawler which can handle all these subtleties behind the scenes like

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