May 26th, 2020
List of Free Proxy IP Listing Resources That Do Not Work

We are sick and tired of almost every single programmer who does any amount of web scraping fall for the seduction of the free proxy servers.

It's so ridiculous now that we decided to have a little fun with it. We are done fighting it. We will ourselves lay the red carpet for you to get into this territory and we will be waiting patiently on the other end once you get it out of your system. We dont mind. We are developers. We know the feeling.

Here is an unbelievably large list of website that gives you a free lunch

This is how people find us—battered and beaten. If you are done winding yourself crazy, just pay for quality and get peace of mind in return. We are developers, and we have taken every care to make sure it works and scales. Go to Proxies API and get your free API key (1000 api calls ) and get started now. If I may, there is our sister concern that does web crawling on the cloud for you, so you dont have to write anything. Its called, and it might just live up to your expectations.

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